Brand image Levels 1 and 2

Crédit photo : Franck Torralba

Branding Levels 1 and 2

1,200.00 HT

There’s no better way to be popular on the internet than to have a strong brand logic. Going upmarket will allow you to change the perceived value of your products or your personality. As a result, you will naturally be able to sell yourself at a higher price:

We create a strong identity for you, based on your personal branding, or the whole universe around your brand.

  1. Visual strategy and punchlines
  2. Branding universe
  3. Customised personal branding
  4. Design of the ”articulation” of your brand
  5. Logo / brand image / graphic charter / visuals



Niveau 1, Niveau 2

Branding levels 1 and 2 at Mariesoi Studio will increase your Brand Image’s value


Branding is a form of marketing that consists in using your brand image to attract consumers. A good Branding is therefore clear for everyone, it valorises the customers, and reminds them why they signed with you. Mariesoi Studio specialised in branding long before social networks existed.

The brand image

The brand image is largely influenced by advertising actions and especially by what is known as branding.

Mariesoi Studio brings its expertise to you

Fifteen years of experience now allow Mariesoi Studio to create a simple, effective and logical branding. With this expertise comes the knowledge of colour codes, shapes and illustrations. We therefore develop technique, a good intuition and a very particular overall cultural knowledge.

A strong identity that represents your value

There’s no better way to be recognised on the internet than to have a strong brand logic. Going upmarket will allow you to change the perceived value of your products or your personality. With other elements, brand image can generate brand preference.
To be known, you must have a distinguishable identity and your icons, your values and what you sell must be instantly understandable. You will therefore naturally be able to sell yourself at a higher price :

We create a strong identity for you, based on your personal branding, or the whole universe around your brand.

  1. Visual strategy and punchlines
  2. Branding universe
  3. Customised personal branding
  4. Design of the ”articulation” of your brand
  5. Logo / brand image / graphic charter / visuals

Without Branding it is seldom possible to launch a brand, but the majority of businesses have to create an identity.

Without an identity you don’t exist.

1 review for Branding Levels 1 and 2

Coup D’Pouce BAMBOU

Nous cherchions un logo représentatif pour la société Coup D’Pouce BAMBOU, Marie Soi STUDIO à su se mettre à notre écoute et aller au bout des choses, quitte à refaire le travail plusieurs fois, Nous avons été surpris pas sa réactivité de prise en compte de nos remarques et commentaires, par sa force de proposition et son ouverture d’esprit tout en sachant nous guider vers une structure réaliste, Marie nous à aidé à rester simple dans l’esprit du logo.
Grace à son jusqu’auboutisme pour obtenir la satisfaction client, nous sommes aujourd’hui pleinement satisfait du travail accomplit et sommes fiers de mettre en avant notre logo. Nous n’aurions pas su trouver une meilleure professionnelle pour effectuer ce travail et nous recommandons vivement Marie.

Marie-Camille Lerouge

Marie est très douée dans son domaine, c’est un vrai plaisir de travailler avec elle depuis des années ! 

Ses compétences en image de marque ne sont plus à prouver. 

Bravo ! Je recommande !

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