Customer testimonials

Crédit photo : Franck Torralba
«Marie is simply amazing. She will help you get your social networks off the ground. She really gets involved at 200%! »
« If you want to evolve in your business, if you want to grow as an entrepreneur, as a person, you need to be surrounded by the right people. It's a team, represented by this woman, Marie Soi, who is just extraordinary. »
« Throughout our collaboration, Mariesoi Studio has shown dedication and the quality of her work as well as the good vibes, have allowed the company to reach its goals. Marie knew how to combine a positive state of mind and efficiency in performing the tasks that were entrusted to her.»
« Simply the best in her range »
« What can be said about Marie? There are... there are so many... good things that... that could be said, but if I have to remember just one word... I'll tell you this one: efficiency. »
« MARIESOI STUDIO accompanied us in the whole rebranding process of our company.
Marie took the time to understand who we are and how our company works. She then perfectly adapted to our team’s needs, in a complicated context due to the confinement. She knew how to get the best out of each collaborator by leading lively meetings with tact and precision.
Her interventions were of high quality and very structured. The work sessions were intensive and the results above our expectations.
More than a service provider, Marie is a true partner in this project. »
« Mariesoi Studio: the agency specializing in elevation. Mariesoi Studio is a branding agency. Since 2007, it has been enhancing individuals or products through this channel. »
« I would like to thank Marie Soi for her excellent job [...] we'll be happy to give her recommandation »
« Marie is a wealthy, inspiring, and independent woman. She runs her digital marketing agency with an iron fist, operating in 5 countries. »
« One day you make an "encounter of the 3rd kind "! That' s what happened to me when I came across Mariesoi Studio (...) Mariesoi Studio doesn't just shine a light on its clients, no, she makes them glow ! Marie Soi, thank you very much. »
« Marie Soi demonstrated creativity by adapting to my request where the symbolic interweaving was strong and complex. She came up with a strong proposal and finally surprised me with a design that I did not expect and that "symbolises" and anchors my vision. I recommend her ! »
« Photo session with Marie, which took place abroad (Balkans) like in Switzerland. Marie's professionalism and commitment, as well as the images captured by Mika, exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend anyone looking for extraordinary images to call on Marie and Mika. »
« It was my first video shoot with Marie and her team, the support was perfect: from the script to the shooting and editing. I particularly appreciated Marie's attentiveness to my needs for a fair and aesthetic result that continues to exist over time and is still relevant today. I recommend it. »
« Marie Soi has masterfully coordinated the organization of a large annual meeting for about a decade. Marie Soiand her entire team adapt perfectly to the complex specifications that exist within a multinational corporation like Novartis. »
« Marie Soi demonstrates initiative and is very serious in the projects she coordinates. It's always a pleasure to work with her.»